Date: 23 Feb 2009 Monday

16:15 PM Leaving Tokyo Tower

16:20 PM Zojoji Temple 三縁山増上寺

How to get there from Tokyo Tower?

Walk! Zojoji Temple is just opposite Tokyo Tower.

16:55 PM Tokyo Station

How to get there from Tokyo Tower?

Mita Subway Line 三田線 Onarimon Station 御成門駅 to Otemachi Station 大手町駅

Walk from Otemachi Station 大手町駅 to Tokyo Station 東京駅.

Hilton T Hotel Tokyo Station Tokyo Imperial Palace Tokyo Tower (I)
Tokyo Tower (II) Akihabara Ikebukuro Shinjuku Hilton T Hotel

17:05 PM Akihabara 秋葉原

How to get there?

JR Yamanote Line 山手線 Tokyo Station 東京駅 to Akihabara Station 秋葉原駅

Akihabara, a popular shopping area in Tokyo for electronics, computer-related goods and other Otaku goods – e.g. anime, manga and video games.

Hilton T Hotel Tokyo Station Tokyo Imperial Palace Tokyo Tower (I)
Tokyo Tower (II) Akihabara Ikebukuro Shinjuku Hilton T Hotel

17:30 PM Ikebukuro 池袋

How to get there?

JR Yamanote Line 山手線 Akihabara Station 秋葉原駅 to Ikebukuro Station 池袋駅

We decided to have dinner at Ikebukuro but first we have to find a restaurant that has photos of food in their menu. Yes, we need photos else we won’t be able to order as we cannot read Japanese.

19:15 PM Doma-Doma Restaurant

Finally decided to have our dinner at Doma-Doma. It is something like Watami.

Shishamo 子持ちししゃもの炙り

Kishimen Carbonara カルボナーラきしめん

Assorted Kushiyaki 串焼き盛合せ

Corn & Butter コーンバター

Harami Steak 塩だれハラミステーキ

Salmon Sashimi とろサーモンの刺身

The food was marvelicious except for one of the Assorted Kushiyaki was horrible. It tasted like soap and almost made me puke, nearly spoilt my dinner. The Kishimen Carbonara was really nice.

Bought 2 bottles of drinks, a sushi roll and 2 cup noodles from 7-Eleven.

Hilton T Hotel Tokyo Station Tokyo Imperial Palace Tokyo Tower (I)
Tokyo Tower (II) Akihabara Ikebukuro Shinjuku Hilton T Hotel

21:00 PM Back to Shinjuku

How to get there?

JR Yamanote Line 山手線 Ikebukuro Station 池袋駅 to Shinjuku Station 新宿駅

Went to the another convenient store to get a big bottle of mineral water, ice-cream pudding and chocolates.

Buying Otopus Snack from Echizen kaisen Senbei.

Hilton T Hotel Tokyo Station Tokyo Imperial Palace Tokyo Tower (I)
Tokyo Tower (II) Akihabara Ikebukuro Shinjuku Hilton Tokyo Hotel

21:40 PM Back to Hilton Hotel

Took the Hilton Shuttle bus back to the hotel.

Our purchases for the day:

Our Ghibli Museum Tickets from Lawson

Cup noodles

Otopus Snack

Meiji Horn Chocolate

Gundam keychain for Junzhong

Our 2 bottles of drinks from 7-Eleven

Tokyo Banana Snack

Banana Baumkuchen Snack

Ice-cream mochi

Very nice

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