I had been tolerating the slow loading of MyLife for quite sometime until one day JR pointed out that the slowness could be caused by the “evolved” theme that I was using then. And he was right! I began searching and found a new theme, Viewport, which I like very much. However, the background used in the new theme is white and the photos in my past posts do not go well with it. Hence, I decided to re-download and install the original version of my previous theme, Sunstream , and merge it with the Viewport.
I also loved the multiple posts per page that appears on the archive page, thus doing the same for the main index page with the original single post per page still intact by introducing the use of cookies. The “switching” can be done by clicking on the &
buttons on the page.
Screenshots of the new MyLife:
MyLife Main – Single post per page.
MyLife Main – Multiple posts (6) by page.
Next or Previous
Next and previous arrows at the left and right hand sides of the page.
Click on the Multiple & Single “buttons” on the top right corner of the page to switch from “Single post per page” to “Multiple posts per page”.
Customised header for each post.
Next and previous post links at the bottom of each post.
Our Travel page
Posts related to the trip can be listed either by “list all posts at once” or “list posts by date”.
List all posts at once
List posts by date
With the new changes to MyLife, I have lots of editing to do for my older posts. I had completed adding the main, archive and single images for all of my 2009 posts and will proceed with my 2008 posts slowly.