Date: 19 Aug 2009 Wednesday
Attention all Virgos – Travel FREE with SuperStar Virgo when accompanied by a full paying partner. This promotion is only valid for Virgos, birthday falling between 23 August and 22 September 22. The offer is valid for selected sailings from 1 July to 2 September 2009 for 2 nights to Malacca / Kuala Lumpur OR 2 nights to Redang.
Finally decided to go for the cruise to Redang departing on August 19, 2009. Mummy was also interested and she dragged Wei Ling along.
Bought our tickets – Cabin Type BC (Oceanview with Balcony).
Did our early check in on Monday.
Our access cards
The day was finally here and we were on our way to Harbour Front.
Met up with Mummy and WL earlier to get our sunblock lotion.
Proceed to the departure hall. The entire hall was full with passengers, most of them queuing up for the check in. We can go directly to the boarding queue since we had done our check in 2 days ago.
Balcony Class Boarding
There was no designated area / barrier for us to queue up for the boarding. We had to ask the staff stationed at the boarding station in order to know where to queue. We were the first in the queue! Soon, there were more people queuing behind us – all of them asking where the queue was – poor organisation. An auntie started a queue on her own directly in front of the boarding gate and was asked to join our queue. She was very stubborn and she kept returning to the front to ask if she can stand at the boarding gate.
We were the first!
WL with her big sunglasses.
Boarding started at 4:30 PM sharp.
JR with SuperStar Penguin*. I was told that no photography was allowed right after taking this photo :(. Our passports were retained until disembarkation.
* not sure of its name
Close up photo of SuperStar Virgo.
16:49 PM On board SuperStar Virgo!
JR was the first!
Welcome drinks were served to us (for balcony class passengers only).
The first thing to do was to deposit our luggage!
View from the balcony from our cabin. We were “forced” to leave our cabins as they were in the process of cleaning.
Went up to the deck – level 13.
Studying the Star Navigator.
The Taverna – Bar
Back to the the Grand Plazza where the SuperStar Virgo Trio entertained us with acoustic melodies.
17:25 PM Back to our cabins
JR & I got the room with the double single beds while Mummy & WL were allocated the one with the Queen bed! Thought of exchanging cabins with them initially but we swapped back in the end.
The toilet!
We pulled out the sofa bed and placed all our luggage on it.
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